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Feb 02, 2007 5:19 pm MarketingPowerTips for Friday 2-2-07
Tony Williams

MarketingPowerTips is a Free Newsletter from Leaders Club offering valuable tips, motivation, and more. It can be a valuable resource with gold nuggets to help you with your business.


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Key words: Your Business


Will you put the future of your business in the hands of someone else or gain the individual skills you need to be successful?


No more delay here is today's MarktingPowerTips with subscription to the newsletter and LeadersClub following.


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Hi, Tony,


This weeks reader question:


Q: We have a system where we are told to not answer questions, rather, let the SYSTEM answer the questions for the prospects. We have form letters to send to answer questions, etc. This system is supposed to track responses from our prospects, it gives us more free time and still keeps us in contact with our prospects. I am not getting the results I want and yet do not want to deviate from the system because the upline and others are using it successfully. What would you suggest?


A: The system is a basic system and can work if hammered hard enough, but most people prefer a human touch. Most marketers find that once they learn the personal side of prospecting its not only easier it gives them a lot more control. Plus, consider this: if all it took were automation, the company wouldn't need us as marketers. The companies could do it themselves and retain more profit.


As with most systems, those who are successful using them are not just doing a point and click process. Often, these same marketers are picking up the phone and following up with their prospects. They make that personal connection which gives them a leg up on those who only use automation.


Most marketers are taught to just get people into the system and let the system do the work. This is taught usually because the uplines may fear the downline will run if they know they have to talk with someone. However, I have found most people wouldn't mind picking up the phone if they just knew how and also knew what to say.


This is where Leaders Club's training can be beneficial for you. If you been a subscriber to MarketingPower for more than a month, you we are here to help you succeed in your business. Through our market-tested strategies and techniques, you can learn to be effective in communicating with your prospects while still using the system from your business.


An automated system is really just a tool to supplement your actions in interacting with your prospect. The automation does save time and effort but should never be the sole source of communication. It is the human touch of the conversation and flow of information that helps you connect with your prospect.


TIP - Listen to the audio, "The Allure of Automated Systems & How They Really Work"  (http://www.leadersclub.com/28785/allure/) While this is an older audio, it is one where we look at the pro-s and con's of automated systems and what it means to your business. You'll learn how and when to use automation to help you build your business for the long term.





Motivational Thought For The Week (by John Murphy)


Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm. - Sir Winston Churchill


We all have failed at something. Some of us have had more success than failure, but that is a rare case. It is from our failures that we learn the most. What is the most important aspect that we can take away from our failure? To learn something and get back into action. To plan and rework our plan for success. We can not going to bed an amateur and wake up a professional. True success will ultimately come from us determining to be success and see our plans all the way to the finish. As Winston Churchill says Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm. The question in my mind is what will you choose? We can all sit around and tell stories about how bad we have it. Or we can make a decision this moment to stand up, dust off our pants, and get back to work. The worst case if we settle for less. When our days here on earth are coming to a close we always ask ourselves, "What if?"






I'm glad that I found Leaders Club, after being in the network marketing business for a while and getting no where. I used to struggle so much and wanted to learn more. Every time I turned around I hit a brick wall. My upline didnt help either and just told me "Go out there and do it". Anyway, I think the bad is over and I know that my future will be brighter because I have Leaders Club behind me. After reading all the articles, listening the audios and the Master Mind forums, I have sure learned a lot. Thank you and good luck to all leaders, and see you at the top.  Danny C.



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