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Dec 27, 2006 11:39 pm Setting Your Goals for 2007!
For those of you who new to goal setting, or perhaps have half-heartedly set goals I'd like to take you through a process that I do and see if it will be of help to you too.

There are 5 areas of my life that I list in my goals:

1. Spiritual

2 Family

3. Friends/Social

4. Personal

5. Career/Financial

First I evaluate my relationship with God. We each have our own believes and this is fine. Just review how much time you are investing in your 'Higher Power'. Perhaps you need to add more prayer, and religious services into your life. Maybe you need to do something for others in His name-ie. volunteering, offering a helping hand to someone down and out. Perhaps you need to devote time to reading passages in the Bible. Personally, I think my day is much more fruitful and loving if I start and end each day in prayer and meditation.

Second, Family. Sometimes you have to lose something before you fully grasp its full meaning to you. I always had a very close relationship with my parents, aunts, uncles, etc. Both my Mom and Dad had 8 siblings each! I was born in those menopausal years and my parents and aunts and uncles all have died. So holidays have changed drastically for me and I need to find a way to still honor those people who I love so much. I often try and volunteer on a holiday and it brings more meaning into my own life as well as someone elses. I have one living sibling. She is 16 years older than I am so I need to treasure our relationship and take every opportunity to make memories and bring joy to her.

Third. Social/friends. Every year I think 'another year has gone by and I haven't taken the time to call or see so and so.' Now how can my life be so busy that I don't take the time to nurture the people who were such a part of my life at one time? Oh, we might email 'forwards' and silly jokes but where are the meaningful conversations that brought us together in the first place. I know more about you, my Internet friends--who I've never met--than I do people who helped me raise me! I need to make the time--even if I have to SCHEDULE it--to make those reconnections. I know my life will be better because of it.

Fourth. Personal. What are you doing for yourself? Do you maintain your health? Visit your doctor? Get mammograms? Exercise? Eat nutritious food? Help your family with those things? Or is your obesity and lack of exercise the 'role model' that your children see? Are you reading personal development books? Books that help you to become more educated, a better business person, that teach you about other aspects of the world? Or do you sit in front of the television watching hours of mindless drivel? Have you wanted to learn a new skill? What steps are you going to take to do this in 2007? Are you looking for a new business? Then what skills will you need to learn in order to be successful?

Fifth. Career/financial. Most of you have a business already. To some of you it is supplemental income, or even just spare change. That's fine IF that's what you want. If it isn't then what do you hope to earn for 2007? Then break that down to per month, then per week, then realize what you need to earn on a daily basis to make that annual income. Are you doing those things? Are you making notes the night before on what you have to do the next day? That way when you get up you can hit the ground running-knowning exactly what you need to accomplish that day in order to stay on track. Do you have a contingency plan in place in case one of your children are sick? Have you set up a schedule or do you do a little bit of work when the mood hits you? Again, do you only want spare change? Or do you want a career? And do you have big dreams? I've had people who have come to my maximum success site and filled in a survey telling me that they want to work 5-10 hours a week and want to earn $200,000 a year! So, I ask you, are you being realistic? You CAN earn $200,000 a year but it WILL be full time, and you WILL need to be on a schedule! And you will need to be self-disciplined.

Realize that all successful business ventures mean that you need to roll your sleeves up and get busy! It doesn't mean that you can't have fun! Seek help from your mentors--there are SO many wise people here on Ryze who are more than happy to extend a hand. Take every opportunity to learn--whether it's a new software program, a new technique, a way to market that you haven't tried before. Don't be afraid to ask, but don't be afraid to give either.

And as you set your goals make certain that you also write down a way that you're going to get there. ie. One of my business goals:

To earn a minimum of $8,000 a month.
a.) Sell a minimum of 4 air purifiers a month
b.) Recruit a minimum 3 new people into the business
c.) Attend all training calls & expect to learn
d.) Attend the weekly personal development program
e.) Contact 5 businesses weekly for 3 day purifier trial
f.) Read something inspirational daily

I then break this one goal down into weekly and daily things that need to be done in order to achieve that one goal. I hope that this is helpful to you!

A happy, healthy and prosperous New Year to each of you!


Private Reply to Kristin (new win)

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